Mock UN Security Council Forum

You have been assigned a country to represent a country that is on the United Nations Security Council. The goal is to figure out what your country's position would be in regards to the conflict between North and South Korea. More importantly, you need to work towards to goal of resolving this long-term dispute and establish peace in Korea.
Watch some of the video below to gain an understanding on what transpires at these hearings.
Watch VideoUN Security Council Hearing on North Korea and Nuclear Testing Video (June 2009)

Working Towards Peace:

Part 1: Country Research:

Country Research Graphic Organizer [Word Version]

Research Links (Use the links to the right too):
CIA World Factbook
Infoplease: Countries of the World
Library of Congress: Country Studies
The Korean War: United Nations Forces
Wikipedia: UN Security Council

Part 2: Your Country's Position/Issue:

Nation's Position Graphic Organizer [Word Version]

Part 3: Your UN Resolution:

UN Security Council Resolution 82
(June 25th, 1950)
UN Security Council Resolution 1874 (June 12th, 2009)

UN Security Council Resolution Template [Word Version]