Zhouzhuang Canal - Boats Parked Before the Tourists Arrive

Stop 2 - Zhouzhuang "Venice of the East"

Focus Question: How has Zhouzhuang's location and canal system affected its development and connection to greater China?
Portfolio Questions: Why do people live and move where they do? & How has the quest for resources affected human history?

Geography: Zhouzhuang is located in the Jiangsu province. It is a famous town, crisscross with rivers and lakes in South China. There are four water canals that form a grid pattern that are also connected via water travel to Shanghai and the Yangtze River.

Zhouzhuang Google Earth Map    Zhouzhuang Street Map

The Grand Canal - Zhouzhuang connection to trade

Grand Canal Map

The Grand Canal, also known as the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, is the largest ancient canal in the world (1,115 miles long). It is thought to have been built circa 486 BC. The first part connected the Yangtze River with the Huai River. The Grand Canal was lengthened during the Sui Dynasty (581-618). The emperor ordered the canal to connect Beijing with Hangzhou. It took over six years to link the five river systems of the Grand Canal. When completed, it connected the Hai River, Yellow River, Huai River, Qiantang River, and Yangtze River.
During the Yuan (1271-1368), Ming (1368-1644), and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties, the Grand Canal served as the main artery between northern and southern China and was essential for the transport of grain to Beijing. The Grand Canal also bridged the cultural exchanges between the north and south of China. The canal even made a distinct impression on some of China's early European visitors. Marco Polo recounted the Grand Canal's arched bridges as well as the warehouses and the prosperous trade in the 13th century.


In the Spring and Autumn Period (770 - 476 BC), Zhouzhuang was a part of the fief Yaocheng and called Zhenfengli. After being donated to Full Fortune (Quanfu) Temple by Zhou Digong, a very devout Buddhist, in 1086 during the Northern Song Dynasty (960 - 1127), Zhouzhuang got its present name as a memorial of the donor.

Quanfu Temple Pagoda    Quanfu Temple Bridges    Quanfu Temple Buddha Statue

Zhouzhuang has more than one thousand houses. Most of the houses were built during the Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties and have their own stone courtyards and gateways. One of the houses is the Shen Ting (Hall of Shen) residence. Built in 1742 by the offspring of the wealthiest trader of Zhouzhuang during the Qing dynasty, Shen Wansan, it serves as an extraordinary example of how the rich lived during feudal China. The two-story mansion has more than 100 rooms.

One of the most significant places in Zhouzhuang is the Chengxu Taoist Temple. It was built during 1086-1093 of the Song Dynasty and also known as Sanctity Hall (Shengtang Hall). After several periods of expansion, it is one of the most famous Taoist temples in Wuzhong Region.

Chengxu Temple Courtyard    Chengxu Temple Shrine

Zhouzhuang is really famous for its canals and bridges. Of the 14 stone bridges built during the Yuan (1271-1368), Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties, Double Bridge is the one tourists clamor to visit. Double Bridge, two bridges positioned so they form a right angle over a stream, was first built during the Wanli Reign (1573-1619). The other noteworthy bridge is Fu'an Bridge, which holds the distinction of being the oldest bridge in Zhouzhuang having been built in 1355.

Zhouzhuang Bridge with Wheelbarrow Ramp    Canal Tour Sightseeing Tea Houses and Bridges

Photo Galleries:
Canals, Boats, & Bridges
Quanfu Buddhist Temple
People, Streets, Etc...
South Lake Autumn Moon Garden
Zhenbanrenjia Hotel

More Websites for Information:
"Great Wall" of water transport takes on new look
(Xinhua Article)

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